We can deliver your order the next working day when you:
Order from our
Next Day range (look for the 24 hour icon)
Order before 12:00pm Monday-Friday
Applicable to mainland UK only. Additional charges apply. Click for more details.
No Minimum Order
Unlike other suppliers, we have no minimum order on print and embroidery! Order 1 or 10,000 pieces
quickly and easily with our online
order process.
Remember, with our quantity discounts, the more you buy the more you save.
Every Order Expert Checked
Unlike other suppliers, every single order placed through Clothes2order, large or small, is manually checked
by our expert artwork and production teams.
You can be confident that no matter what
you order, we'll do everything possible to ensure the best end result.
Free delivery
Free economy UK delivery when you spend over £99
Wrap up warm with a personalised scarf. Add your logo, design or text to a scarf or your choice and create the ultimate personalised accessory, promotional item or corporate gift.