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On Printing & Embroidery

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By our expert team

Order Process FAQs

Below are a few answers to specific queries you may have when using our online order process. For a general guide to the order process, please see our ordering guide. For questions relating to the uploading of logos or images, please see our artwork guidelines.

» Can I order blank items through Clothes2order?

Yes, first add your chosen items to your basket. Then go to your shopping basket; in the mini FAQs section here is an entry titled "Want blank items?". Click the link provided here to order your items without customisation.

» How do I order the same customisation in two different positions?

Simply select the same customisation twice at the first stage of the customisation process. If you require your customisation to be a different size in two different positions, you'll need to create two separate customisations.

» If I need to place several orders, will I be charged delivery for each order?

No. If you need to place multiple orders, our system will automatically remove/reduce the delivery charge on any orders placed before your first order is picked and packed. So, you can place multiple orders without incurring multiple delivery charges.

» Can I customise two of the same product, in the same size and colour, with different designs?

Our order process is designed to make it as fast and easy as possible to position your design on multiple items at the same time. As such, products are grouped together by product type, size and colour. If you need different designs on exactly the same products, you should place separate orders. You will not be charged extra delivery charges as detailed in question 3.

» Can I repeat a previous order?

Yes, you can repeat a previous order in a matter of seconds. Simply log into your account and click the "Repeat Order" link next to your order. This will add all your items to the basket and assign your customisations as on your previous order. All you need to do is pay for your order to complete it.

» Are the setup charges "one-time" fees?

Yes, once you have paid the setup charge for your customisation, you will automatically not be charged it again on any subsequent orders.

» Why does the preview image during the order process differ slightly to the image on the product page?

Unlike other personalised clothing websites, which may only offer a dozen products, at Clothes2order we offer hundreds of different clothing items and we often increase our range with quality new items. As such, it's not practical for us to professionally photograph every product front, back, left and right, in every colour, for our online product preview. What we do instead is just have a different preview image for each product type, so, for example, all "mens short sleeve round neck t shirts" use the same set of preview images. Your product will be in the design and style as shown on the product page before you added it to your basket. Remember, the online preview is just a quick visualisation of what your final product will look like; our expert team check every order to ensure it looks great when customised.

» Will you send me a proof of my order before production?

We want to make sure you are 100% happy with your design before we proceed to production. For printed designs our artwork team check your artwork for you and make sure we produce the best result possible. Proofs for print will only be sent for:

  1. Orders over £1000 (inc VAT)
  2. 50 application or more of the same design

For embroidered designs we will send you a proof for approval of your logo before we can proceed to production, so please check your emails regularly after placing an order. Please note we will not send a proof for text applications. This will be produced as you have inputted it into our site.

» What fonts are available when creating text designs?

Embroidery fonts available: Printed fonts available:
Castle Boo
Source Sans Pro
Advent Pro
Dancing Script
Gloria Hallelujah
Henny Penny
Indie Flower
Josefin Slab
Kaushan Script
Montserrat Alternates
Nixie One
Nova Mono
Pathway Gothic One
Poiret One
PT Sans Narrow
Sigmar One
Snowburst One
Sorts Mill Goudy
Source Sans Pro
Varela Round
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