Manual labour is tough enough in mild weather; add heat, and it gets all the more challenging. But simply switching from your heavy-duty clothing to summer workwear can do a lot to keep your body at a comfortable temperature.
So, what do construction workers wear in the summer? If you’d like to know, keep reading!
This article will take you through a list of 5 essential items that you can customise for you or your team to wear on the job while staying on-brand and professional.
1. Hi-Vis Vests

Now the first (and, perhaps, most obvious) change to make is to swap from your usual hi-vis jackets to custom hi-vis vests. These garments are thinner, lighter, and sleeveless—all aspects of which making them easier to wear in the heat. If you still require an outer layer, these are the coolest you can get.
2. Hi-Vis T-Shirts & Polo Shirts

If, however, you don’t need an outer layer, an even easier option is to wear your hi-vis directly on your body—either in the form of a t-shirt or polo. Whether you prefer a more casual or refined look, these tops will keep you safe and cool at the same time. Better yet, they can be combined with your hi-vis vest in the spring and autumn as well.
3. Performance T-Shirts

You can also find performance t-shirts in more standard colours, if they’d suit your needs better. These offer a more subtle look while maintaining the breathability and moisture wicking required of workwear. They’re also great for other physical activities, so you can wear them to the gym or during sports games as well.
4. Work Shorts

Another crucial switch you can make is from your usual work trousers to their shorter counterpart. Wearing shorts on construction sites will naturally let your legs breathe a little more easily, while still maintaining enough pockets, holsters, and loops to support your needs on the job.
5. Protective Eyewear

And lastly, you may wish to update your eye protection. In addition to blocking out small particles or debris, tinted spectacles like Portwest’s Tech Look range will also protect your eyes from the sun. The lenses come in a selection of colours (Smoke, Amber, Clear, and Mirror) so you’re bound to find a look that remains in keeping with the rest of your workwear.
All things considered, it’s up to you to establish which items suit your needs best.
Hopefully this introductory list of 5 essential pieces will set you on a path to more comfortable workwear in the summer months. But if you’d like some more recommendations on what to wear to work in a heatwave, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Plus, if you’d like to know more about which city is undergoing the most construction in the UK, check out our handy building index.