Home Business tipsBranding 5 Tips for Exhibiting At Trade Shows

5 Tips for Exhibiting At Trade Shows

by Simon Clothes2Order

We’re exhibiting at the Great British Business Show this week along with 349 other businesses, so we realise how important it is to stand out at a trade show. Here are our top tips:

1.    Set specific goals
What do you want to achieve from the show. Is it sales on the day, to generate hot leads, speak to existing customers or to create brand awareness?

What does success look like and how will you measure it?

Work on these questions before you start thinking of tactics to get yourself noticed.

2.    Develop a plan
Here’s the fun part. How will you get the attention you need to succeed?

Is it about having a prime position and a funky stand? Is it about giving free seminars to guests? Is it about running competitions? Is it about having a large promo team?

Get creative, but question how any plans you make will relate to your business goals.

Here are some great examples of remarkable tradeshow ideas

3.    Create a checklist
Once you know what you’re doing, be sure to create a to do list! This might range from an excel spreadsheet to the full use of project management software, but whatever you do get a plan written down. Think of everything you might need, no matter how small and assign a due by date and who is responsible. If your list doesn’t have at least 20 things on it you’re probably missing something!

Check things off as you go; this should maintain focus as well as being extremely satisfying to see you’re getting closer!

4.    Prepare your staff
There are certain rules to follow at a trade show. They sound like common sense but it’s amazing how many companies get this wrong:

–    Engage with visitors; don’t stand at the back of your stand chatting amongst yourselves. You must look approachable at all times, not be playing with your mobile.
–    Have a pitch ready; your team needs to know the famous ‘elevator pitch’. In 30 to 60 seconds how would you describe your business in a way that grabs attention and tells a prospect why they should buy.
–    Find out who you are talking to; when speaking to a potential customer don’t stare at their name badge to find out who you are talking to – ask them about themselves and their needs in reference to what you do.

5.    Look the part

Make sure everyone at the show knows who your staff are at a glance, the last thing you want is for visitors having to question ‘does that person work on this stand’? We recommended a branded uniform as the best way to achieve this!

Do you have a great tip for preparing for business shows? We’d love to hear it, either write it below or tweet us @clothes2order

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1 comment

Make a Great Impression on Skype | Clothes2Order Printing and Embroidery Blog July 19, 2013 - 2:27 pm

[…] If you’re new to video calling, having your first Skype interview, conducting your first as an interviewer or beginning to use it for conference calls here are a few tips to help you to make a great impression. […]


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